Smithfield Foods WWTF and Effluent Outfall Relocation

Sioux Falls, SD

Project Overview

CMAR preconstruction services and value engineering were completed in 2021 to finalize the wastewater improvements with the design engineer. This project had a critical effluent discharge permit compliance date of 7/1/2023. Our CMAR team targeted their internal goal of membrane start-up in April 2023, in advance of the deadline, and we met our goal. This planning kept the project on schedule, allowed for a coordinated and systematic commissioning period, and provided adequate time for the plant operations to run the system before the compliance date.

The denitrification project consisted of the construction of one (1) new MBR system, two (2) new equipment buildings, one (1) new nitrification reactor tank, one (1) new secondary screening waste building, and all associated equipment, electrical, instrumentation, and piping.

All construction was completed on an active food processing site, where interruptions to the ongoing operations would result in lost revenue. Tie-ins and shutdowns are extremely important, well-planned, and completed in strict timeframes to minimize the disruptions to plant operations. We completed this project with zero unplanned outages.

Our team coordinated with the Army Corp for structures and outfalls, Xcel Energy, the State of South Dakota, with two design engineers and the Owner. On any given day, the plant has multiple contractors onsite performing maintenance and construction projects to keep the plant running without interruption.

During Preconstruction Services, we recommended an alternate foundation system, saving over $1M. The suggestion reduced overall concrete costs, implemented modifications to reduce precast costs, and improved overall constructability during a 90-day preconstruction services period. The Owner, in turn, applied that savings to other improvements at the facility.


Sioux Falls, SD

Project Delivery






By the Numbers




Unplanned Outages


Self-Perform Hours


Peak Craft and Subcontractors Onsite


Cubic Yards Concrete


Days of Equipment Start-Up & Training